With no hope of an allotment plot, discovering the Secret Greenhouse began my journey to grow my own veg in London Town.
3 raised beds, some tyres, plastic containers, a (secret) greenhouse and a shed, with the freedom to make what we want from this opportunity.

Found through the Land Share website, this community spot presented itself as a great chance for me and my girlfriend Sally to have a go at growing our own veg.

This blog will follow me, a gardening novice, through the seasons and beyond!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

mini mid-season harvest

I came back from holiday, whilst London had its heatwave, to find the carrots had needing thinning some time ago, so picked out what had become baby harlequin carrots!
Felt the spuds had enough time but the harvest was tiny from 3 grow bags!

Next job is to dig beans and peas into ground and plant squash or pumpkin seedlings there.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Beans - 1 Blackfly - 0

A decent crop despite the plants being covered in blackfly! 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

After a week away and London's best bit of sunshine this year, the plot nearly got over grown by weeds!

I wish I'd taken a 'before' picture, but instead I have two 'after' pictures.

Two crates worth of weeds (plus some spring onions I couldn't remember planting!)

Newly laid bark chippings to help the battle

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Hops are here again

After dying back and a bit of compost to cover the roots in late Winter, the hops are showing good signs of growth.

I followed advice and cut the shoots leaving 3 main shoots to climb away! 

Friday, 5 April 2013

Boot'iful broccoli & reliable, radiant rhubob rises again

Left to its own devices, planted at the end of September, something edible!

and reliable, radiant rhubob rises again

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Wot no Spring?

Not much of Spring to be seen, so sticking to indoors tasks.

Contemplating life and watching seedlings grow...

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Out of hibernation

We are coming out the other side of Winter now after a good hibernation.

For reference, last year's tomatoes all caught blight, we planted them out too late I guess?

Planning for the coming year has involved gaining funding for a new shiny greenhouse.
Panes of glass have slid off the old rotting wood and the guttering isn't really working.

The kind people at Dulwich Going Greener and The Dulwich Society are funding a new one!