With no hope of an allotment plot, discovering the Secret Greenhouse began my journey to grow my own veg in London Town.
3 raised beds, some tyres, plastic containers, a (secret) greenhouse and a shed, with the freedom to make what we want from this opportunity.

Found through the Land Share website, this community spot presented itself as a great chance for me and my girlfriend Sally to have a go at growing our own veg.

This blog will follow me, a gardening novice, through the seasons and beyond!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Its all in the brew

Somehow, our single hops plant produced nearly 1.4kg of hops!

The other 13 growers, averaged just over 200g.

Was it the regular singing to the plant, or highly skilled watering?

It liked growing up a fence, this is the harvest from the one side (anyone could've pinched these!)

               It's the weigh in at The Florence!                                          The micro brewery

Some science

1st draft samples ("tastes like Horlicks") 

The Beer will be a pale ale, called Prima Dona and ready for a beer festival on Lordship Lane, East Dulwich on October 6th.