With no hope of an allotment plot, discovering the Secret Greenhouse began my journey to grow my own veg in London Town.
3 raised beds, some tyres, plastic containers, a (secret) greenhouse and a shed, with the freedom to make what we want from this opportunity.

Found through the Land Share website, this community spot presented itself as a great chance for me and my girlfriend Sally to have a go at growing our own veg.

This blog will follow me, a gardening novice, through the seasons and beyond!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Green issues

The greenhouse is now stocked with many green tomatoes and two bell pepper plants, hopefully we will win the race of ripening with possible disease on its trail! 

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Its all in the brew

Somehow, our single hops plant produced nearly 1.4kg of hops!

The other 13 growers, averaged just over 200g.

Was it the regular singing to the plant, or highly skilled watering?

It liked growing up a fence, this is the harvest from the one side (anyone could've pinched these!)

               It's the weigh in at The Florence!                                          The micro brewery

Some science

1st draft samples ("tastes like Horlicks") 

The Beer will be a pale ale, called Prima Dona and ready for a beer festival on Lordship Lane, East Dulwich on October 6th. 

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

A very green greenhouse

Tomatoes plants have grown to a good height, plenty of lovely flowers are appearing, glut of tomatoes on their way?...

Bell peppers appearing and mouse melons have been transplanted to a new home to a large pot with wigwam to climb up.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Hip Hops Hooray!

The hops are going good, that's assuming two huge bushes climbing higher than the fence is good

There are flowers appearing too...

Hopefully the other Brixton Beer Project growers are going ok too! 

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Summer Harvest

I have been busy with moving house, but lack of blog posts dont mean lack of plot activity!

We harvested a small amount of produce a couple of times recently

Broad beans which survived a blackfly onslaught 

Peas grew hassle free with not much support (a wigwam system would make it tidier though!) and taste so good fresh.

Beets also grew no problem, tasted great and there's more to come!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Potato no show

After much anticipation, I knocked down the tyres that we were growing potatoes in.

Success was in the form of a huge ant colony.

Failure was in the crop.

I emailed the helpful folks at JBA Seed Potatoes

After a couple of emails we got to the bottom of the issue, THE WEATHER and that I used Growmore General Fertilizer rather than one high in potash.

"Ah growmore is a general fertiliser 7-7-7npk. So the nitrogen levels are too high compared to the potash and that has resulted in tremendous foliage growth but poor crops below as all the plants energy is going into the foliage.

In a normal year I would say that growmore would be ok but with this years lack of sun and excess of rain I think the growmore has dissolved quickly and the plant has taken up the nitrogen and grown you some lovely foliage."

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Growing things & green things

Peas are taking shape

 and apples have started too

Hops are going ok, I assume!

Friday, 1 June 2012

Sunshine, it works!

During our spell of great weather ('Summer') the peas, broad beans, potatoes and salad leaves all seriously lapped it up and grew loads!

Finally, lots of green across the plot! 

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Hops assisted

A temporary support for the hops, which were hugging the wall till now. Will work out whats best long term next week!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Peas please!

Peas are shooting up nicely, we will be planting another row soon 

The hops, by the wall, may need some support from now?

At last, an end product! Rhubarb crumble on its way.....

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Hops growing!

Happy to see some change for the good (green leaves and shoots!) after a period of looking at what appeared to be a dead piece of wood.

Read about the Brixton Beer Project here

You can follow the Brixton Beer Project growers on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/groups/107597066037918/

seedlings and spring time

plenty of planting in recent weeks, the flat has hosted the seedlings in their early days.

So we have plenty of tomato and chilli seedlings at various stages, some of the tomatoes are ready to go in grow bags in the greenhouse and some of the chillies ready to go in pots. 

Also growing in pots of their own are three red basil plants.

Jalapeño's were planted first, then three mystery types from seeds given to me by dad a little after.
I have scotch bonnets to sow but they need it to be a lot warmer, so they'll wait till summertime.

Plenty of planting at the actual plot too, not so much to take photos of though. Carrots, onions, beetroot, peas and beans are all in the ground. Who knows if they'll turn into food!

Monday, 26 March 2012

First on its way to being edible...

...its rhubarb! 

Read about forcing it, so covered plant with a bucket a few weeks ago.

As novices, just looking at the colour and size of it impressed us!

March 11th

March 18th

Brixton Beer - Hops planted at the plot!

We are taking part in the Brixton Beer project.

We'll be attempting to grow a single hop plant, which will be harvested each year and along with other growers hops, will form the collective to brew Brixton Beer!

As with everything else growing on the plot of the Secret Greenhouse, I have no idea what will come of it!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

1st Open Day

We got a few jobs done while hosting our first open day, we had the help of a handful of friends who came along, we planted basil & coriander, dug in the green manure and preped the beds for Spring and finally patched up & cleaned the greenhouse!

Success of the day was the lovely beetroot & seed cake,  failure of the day was starting at 10am (on a Sunday!)

Thanks for all that donated, we only made a few pounds after factoring the ingredients for two cakes, but it was all worth it!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The Contenders

Fighting for sunshine, water and T.L.C this Spring are....

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Sprouting on up

After a bit of research we bought three varieties of seed potatoes.
Two have the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit while the Rocket are ‘extra earlies’ so hopefully we wont have to wait as long till they are on a plate in a lovely salad!

Rocket (earlies)
British Queen (2nd earlies)
Picasso (main crop) 

They’ll be ready for planting around mid-March till then,
the tubers will sit and chit on our windowsill for a bit.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Seeds have been sown

On a Saturday that brought snow to London, we were pleased to have something productive to do indoors.

Ian, Sally and I planted thyme, onion, leek and tomato seeds in trays, which are now on my bedside
draws by a window.

Reading up on growing potatoes in tyres it sounds practical for our small space.
Soon to pick a selection of tubers to start chitting (and pick up more impressive potato terms along the way, sure to impress anyone in the pub).

Exciting times are upon us, the seeds have been sown!

Monday, 16 January 2012

New Year lull

There has been little to do other than drop scraps off for composting and make plans for the coming month, hence the lull in communication.

Soon we will be sourcing seeds, fertilizer and fresh wood chippings.

We have no hedgehog tenants but as the plot is fenced off and slightly raised, it's tricky for them to even view the place, let alone move in!

Once things need more tending to (and we get more out of our depth), we will be promoting the plot a bit more and hopefully gaining some help.